Monday, October 15, 2012

Gardasil Vaccine for Men and Women

The CSULB health center is offering free Gardasil Vaccines to low-income people, according to the CSULB health resource center website.

This vaccine helps fight the four most common types of the Human Papilloma Virus, which can cause genital warts and cervical cancer.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 40 total types of HPV. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection. 90 percent of people who have it fight it off within two years, but those who do not can develop warts and in more serious cases, cervical, vaginal or penis cancers.

Student Health Service educator Heidi Burkey said these shots will be provided on campus for uninsured, low income people age 19-26. These shots are being provided by Merck, a company that makes these vaccines. "We've been doing these shots for about three years now" said Burkey. "It starts with a one hour appointment where you will meet with myself or another counselor and we will answer any and all questions we can. They we give you a handout from the CDC because they are an unbiased third party. Then we have you fill out the paperwork, fax it to Merck, they get it back to us and we start the vaccination. You get three shots over six months. If you don't qualify for the free vaccines, we charge $145 per shot, but you can get it elsewhere if you have health insurance."

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For more information, go to the student health services website.

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